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  • Writer's picturemillyelerson

Life's Ride

You know the sharp edge of the container for plastic wrap? Well, it’s sharp. And you know those little, round bath bombs of soap? They taste like soap. And do you know how I know these things? Hint: it’s not because I read it on the labels.

I know these things because I didn’t read the directions. I had to learn them the hard way.

There are a lot of places in my life (besides the time I cut myself opening the plastic wrap or the time I ate the bath bomb thinking it was a gumball) where if I had only read the directions, I would have had an easier go of it.

A lot of people like to say, “Life doesn’t give you seatbelts.” While that may be true, life does have a set of directions. And not a lot of people like to turn to said directions, they think they can make it out fine on their own. But the reality is, these directions are vital to life. After all, if you went on a thrill ride at an amusement park, you would need direction on how to ride the ride properly without falling off.

The Bible is known as several things, but a nice acronym is






It’s also known as the Living, Breathing Word of God. It’s more than simply a book directions, it’s a way to live. To ride Life’s Ride. The Bible teaches us Who our seat is in life, how to hold on to our Seat, and how to resist the gross bugs that fly in our face and motion sickness that makes us want to just jump off Life’s Thrill Ride altogether.

In Life’s Ride, it’s so easy to forget to read the directions. Some people are altogether opposed to the idea. But it’s so very important to follow them, otherwise we could fall off, or endure a lot of pain in learning the hard way. Even if you’ve already learned the hard way, there’s still hope. Your ride hasn’t ended yet, you can still read your directions and learn how to ride Life’s Ride the correct way. There’s only One way to learn, and only One way to finish the ride. It’s coming swiftly, and we need to be ready. Don’t be discouraged, take heart.

So instead of cutting yourself on plastic wrap, or consuming a bath bomb, read the directions. Open the container the right way, don’t assume something is good just because it looks like it. Looks can be deceiving. Reading the directions can tell you what the true identity of something is. We just have to read them to find out.

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